Girls night
Crafting, feasting, wining, and chatting. What more can a girl ask for than a good breakfast burrito and time with sweet women sipping on soju-orange juice? Nothing other than craft least as the child of art that I am, there is nothing else I can think of.
Yes, Wonderful Womanly Wednesdays has been a hit. And it appears it is more than a themed movie night; we are actually coming up with various ideas. In fact in the upcoming week we will be going to a yogurt bar with apple pie and feasting.
I love how active people are here in Changwon. Everyone is so up
for activities and really seem eager to do anything but go to a bar, which is to regular an occasion.
I love the ladies I get to spend time with and it is such a God-send to have girl time. I mean don't get me wrong, I love Stephen, but of all I miss from back home, my girls are what I miss most. I didn't even realize I had that many girl friends, but being over here I realized the ridiculous importance of having females around. You can only make your fiance shop with you for so long.
So here is a snap shot of girls crafting extravaganza-
The Fiance

So did I mention that my man washes the dishes every time he comes over to eat? Or that he always asks where I would like to go for eating, or that he drives in the rain on his moped to visit me? Or that he spoils me rotten and lets me choose movies, even if they are chick flicks? I mean how is it that the Lord sees fit to give me such a wonderful specimen. I sometimes wonder if people meet him and are like "why is he marrying her, he is so amazing!?," because that is what I would think.
I guess what is greatest about him is how much his servanthood makes me thank the Lord for how blessed I am.
The Lord's plan for my life has been so different from my own. I mean, had you told me in high school that I would end up with Stephen Howard I would have laughed into a dizzy. But God's plan has been so much better than my own. If it were up to my plan I would have married the wrong man, gotten a job in America or over seas and been lonely. But how wonderful that the Lord wanted me groomed before dating the man that would accept all my strangeness and love me more for it. How great that we are able to avoid so many relationship problems because we have already made them with someone else (at least kinda great haha). How ridiculous that we have yet to kiss, and yet, it's so divinely amazing. Less than four months now.
The Infest
There is a giant cockroach that lives underneath my bed. Apparently the ant poison is not enough for this big boy. Twice he has brazenly crawled up my wall in the light of my room only for me to attempt to kill him and him jump to the floor and crawl beneath my bed at lightning speed. In my defense, the first time I was unprepared and all I did was hit him with a broom that I knew was not hard enough to crack his exoskeleton; and the second time, well I went for a shoe and had it in hand ready to strike when my dear biologist fiance stopped me saying I'd leave a stain on my wall paper so he got toilet paper allowing for the roach to crawl higher and sense his coming to get him. Alas dear Leonard (like the old man in 'Community') till next time nasty foe.
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