
Friday, September 10, 2010

Girls Night 2

Although it was a smaller crowd with a few girls working overtime (unpaid of course, as the system is) Brittani's girls night was wonderful.
BrittOni and I bused down from Palyong, to Sangnam and just so happened to arrive at the bus stop the moment Britt-A walked out of work, which was convenient since we were not certain where this neon pink yogurt shop was that we were told of. It also helped that Brit-A just had her hair dyed blonde, which was easy for spotting.
This yogurt shop is so cute. Ridiculously expensive (4000 won for a black coffee!) but it was so cute! It has a loft lay out and fake interior shutters.
So Brit-A was in charge of this excursion and she did something wonderful; she spotted a carb-packed pie at Costco with apple center and she lost no time in making it into a girls night.
So four tiny girls, attacked this pie with out delicious yogurt treats and in no time created an 'X' of a pie.
The women who worked at the shop were all young and cute and so sweet. They didn't care that we brought in extra food, and they even made some people move from their seats so we could all sit inside....nice for us, but kinda mean to the koreans who had to move to make room for the foreigners eating pie. This is actually pretty common here; it isn't rude to make people move from their seats if there is too few of them at the table and an appropriate number of people come in.
So we gorged ourselves on pie and chatted and were satisfied.

A Surprise Treasure
Brit-O and I left early, due to our fatigue and not wanting to pay for at taxi home, and as we walked out I found a nice little treasure in the trash, a black metal spirally......candle holder? Well, I think it is originally for plants, but it has now become a nice candle holder, which I tested out last night when my lovely fiance brought me a whopper, wine and candles. I swear that boy knows my heart like no other man ever has.

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