
Friday, March 14, 2014

Charlotte Grace

"For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well."

Psalm 139:13-14

Charlotte Grace Howard arrived at 5:30pm February 7, 2014
She weighed 7 pounds 7.5 oz and was 21 inches long and perfect .... Well except that poor cone head she received from being in the birth canal a little longer than is normal. Poor thing. 

After pushing out my own bundle of joy, I now understand why my mother always discussed her birth stories with whatever mother she met. 
I have many memories of my mom talking about her various trials.

And now, I am proud that I birthed this little human. The Lord gave me strength and there was so much joy involved (In the end). It is something mothers have in common, a bond through a 'common' experience. I now get to join the mom club where you talk about epidurals, episiotomies, water breaking and contractions. So although we may have chosen different birthing plans we all birthed babies and that is pretty neat, and perhaps the only thing we have in common.

To many who aren't as familiar with births, these talks can seem weird, or make you uncomfortable (I remember). So if you fall in that category I am sorry if mothers (or I) make you uncomfortable, but you have to understand that birthing is one of the hardest and most rewarding experiences of a person's life, so your discomfort will easily be outweighed by a new mom's excitement.

Yes, dear friends, I am very much in love with this little nugget.  Raising her is now the most important mission in Stephen and my life; so forgive us for our changing interests and possibly becoming boring friends or talking about things that make you uncomfortable. We may not travel as much or go out as much, and we will certainly inform you of all the small accomplishments of our little one because, to us, that is exciting and important.

It's strange to have transitioned into parenthood, but I hope you understand and can allow our friendships to transition too. 

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