This week I thought I would do the terribly un-politically correct thing and explain to my kids why Christmas is called CHRIST-mas and what the meaning of the tree is- and strangely enough I didn't really have a clue how I would explain it till I started; I give the Spirit credit.
It started out with a question: What is Christmas about?
I got the same answers in almost every class, they went something like this....
After that I explain that Christ-mas is when some celebrate Jesus' birthday. Then I ask if they know who Jesus is, or Yesu as they know him, and ask where he was born. Most of them think a house and then I draw a crude drawing of a 'barn' where animals live and say Jesus was born there. Then I draw a 'fancy' little tree and ask what is on top, and they all pretty much know it's a star. Only in one class did I get a kid who was like "Santa," and he said it twice like it was most certainly the real answer even though I had said a star.
So why the star? Well, as it turns out there was a star over baby Jesus.
And what goes under the tree?- Gifts
But why?
Well, Jesus was a gift, so we exchange gifts to think about Jesus.
At this point, when I have drawn my arrows (see image below) most of the kids do an "ah!"
for their understanding. Then we proceed to color christmas tree cards or manger scenes.

What is particularly interesting is a number of my older students had already made up their minds that they do not like or believe in Jesus. It hurt my heart when one of my favorite students said "I hate Jesus," but hopefully every time they open a Christmas gift now the Lord reminds them it is because of Jesus, and maybe one day they will look up who he is and the whole story and not hate Jesus.
I have been reading a Bible study and it talks about the state of man without God; without the Holy spirit, and when I felt hostility from the kids I immediately thought about it.
But the man who isn't a Christian (or 'in the Spirit' in other versions) can't understand and can't accept these thoughts from God, which the Holy Spirit teaches us. They sound foolish to him, because only those who have the Holy Spirit within them can understand what the Holy Spirit means
(1 Corinthians 2:14 TLB)
On the other hand, I did find out quite easily who of my students are from Christian families because they knew about Yesu and the story. They all got quite excited and were really cute about it. I am pretty sure some of them even told more of the story when we were coloring, and some I think got slack for believing in Jesus as well; nothing overly mean, but some teasing.
Luckily there is good news; that is what those angels proclaimed thousands of years ago. Jesus was a gift and if we choose Him, His Spirit gives us understanding and salvation.
But this Christmas I hope I can remember this prayer Jesus had for us as he prepared to head to the cross....
"My prayer for all of them is that they will be one, just as you and I are one, Father- That just as you are in me and I am in you, so they will be in us, and the world will believe you sent me. I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may be one, as we are - I in them and you in me, all being perfeted into one. Then the world will know that you sent me and will understand that you love them as much as you love me."
John 17:21-23 NLT
Near unbelievable! God loves us as much as He loves Jesus. That is why Jesus came those 2000 years ago and willingly took on the most disgusting thing to him, the thing that was the opposite of his character and one thing that could separate Him from his Father, sin. It died with him and he conquered it in his resurrection.
That is the Gift we remember this year and pray that the world accepts it that we may be one.