Indie Frank-n-pumpk

Turns out the Lord often answers prayers. Sometimes not exactly as I had hoped, but he still answers.
For instance my groaning about a certain student may have said to the Spirit "Please make him quit or go into a vegetative state." However he did not.
Instead, this week is pre-halloween which means I get to do crafts with almost all my classes woot! No seriously, I love crafts. So today I searched the internet for cut-out crafts, as many of my students really hate drawing, and I found a mummy, skeleton, frankenstein, Dracula (or vampire) and a fish/man and pumpkin head. So seeing as I had two of my most difficult classes today, the majority of the students being boys, I thought the little monsters might actually enjoy making monsters.
I was right.
They loved it. And even when I just made an origami pumpkin (see previous post for picture) with my MOST abhorred was amazing....they were good! The child I wanted to strangle just last Friday, even almost behaved, and he participated in class! It just made me miss teaching art, where kids who are clearly having trouble in life have a real outlet. I even felt like the Lord was giving me a love for this kid, I mean he even made me laugh once.
I guess my next lesson from the Lord could be on 'how to make English class relaxing and enjoyable' without turning it into art class. hehehe.
And I asked for joy in class and to start to be more joyful, (some might even say a light -Matt. 5:16). And yes, craft week is really good. REALLY GOOD.
Not to mention walking to work this morning was the first blustery crisp fall day and it was sunny and spectacular!
God is listening to my hearts desires that I didn't even know I had!