So I went to the Registrars office to hopefully get my diploma so I can appease Immigration in Korea and fly off to a new exciting adventure. Well little did I know there is adventure in the Registrars office.
Yes, to my dismay I reached the office only to find out that the diploma printer was "broken" and someone was supposed to come that afternoon, or hopefully that week.
I already spent 30 dollars to send my visa info to Korea, now they want a scan or copy of my diploma and I can't even get it in hand.
Reality= tears?
So I kindly say that this is crazy and I could potentially lose my job and, although sympathetic, the girl I spoke to said there was nothing she could do.
I walk out, about to cry, to my car and I try and call my mother only to reach my brother instead.... and no offense to John, but he is not who I wanted to talk to. So I sit in my car and contemplate bursting into tears, but decide first to conference with Jesus. So I sit and ask him what can I do? I trust He will take care of things but maybe there is something I can do today.... what about....what if I go in and at least ask for a letter on Radford letterhead saying I graduated (since really that was Korea's problem with my State Apostilled letter from the Registrar- not on letterhead so not official looking enough). I gave up and admitted it was worth a shot and it was completely up to Him to take care of this whole situation, lose the job or not.
I calmly and full of trust in the sovereignty of the Lord, walked back into Heth Hall to ask once again for another letter. I explain to a different lady my situation and she goes to the Registrars office to ask about my "situation" and returns to let me know the Registrar (who I have already talked to and left many messages for, e-mail and phone) would soon be able to come talk to me and "just wait a few mintues".
I sit down and wait and am soon joined by an older music grad student who I find out has just been doing the run around all morning. (I am very familiar with this game- tsk, Radford)
He told me of how he was in a class and went to pay for the class only to find the bursars office doesn't take credit cards-unless you pay online..... so by the time he paid and went to class the online system had kicked him out already (for not paying...) and he had to run back to the registrars office to get put back on the list. I love college.
After some lovely conversation about my situation and teaching overseas, Registrar Andrea comes out to talk to me, I stand up and say "Hi, I'm Hannah Dorrell" she just says "Oh, hold on one minute" and turns around again leaving me to watch her re-enter her office to write my letter. Or so I thought.
She re-appeared with what appeared to be a diploma with MY NAME ON IT!
So she says "Here is the deal, the printer has been printing the diplomas off center."
Off center? OFF CENTER!! Who gives a flying flip.
"So I can give you this copy and then we can send you a perfect one to your house?" she continued.
So if I hadn't prayed and gone back in, I would be in a tizzy waiting for my diploma; all because it was printed.... off center.
It's funny, I realize now that the Lord broke that printer for me. I never would have had the level of peace that I received after completely giving up and giving over the security of my job. I got to experience God's faithfulness, yet again, in a trial that turned out right in the end, not because he owed it to me for having faith in his sovereignty, but because he loves me and wanted to make it clear to me that he was in control the whole time and just wanted to make that clear.
Now the only question left is; can you even tell that it is off center?
I guess it's the same with my life, only the Lord knew I needed to be re-centered in those moments of uncertainty.
Goodness I love that guy. :)
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